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We help grow our customers and
suppliers in the global market.

The strengths and the competitive difference compared to the main players in the global market where we stand out with strong leadership.

DEMECO Electronics
We are a company specialized in supporting as technical, commercial and consultancy management on reed switches, reed relays, reed sensors, magnets floats and level sensors. We operate nationally and abroad.
The products we deal with are widely used in the most varied sectors, from the automotive sector to the household appliances, medical, military, energy, metering and industrial automation sectors.
We are the Italian office of STANDEX Electronics Gmbh, a well-known global manufacturer of reed switches, reed relays, reed sensors, magnets floats and level sensors of which it is a world leader in the design, development and production of reed switches-based sensor solutions standard and custom. It produces more than 700 million reed switches per year.
We are a global team of problem reed based products solvers able to provide customized and / or standard solutions through our different and dynamic capabilities.
We collaborate with many important multinational companies, our customers, in the spirit of continuous and effective common growth.

Customer portfolio
We have been working alongside multinational companies for years and have become a point of reference for them. Our valuable consulting activity has allowed us to grow to become market leader in the reeds and magnets sector. Here are some of our customers.